There are some people that do not need to be told anything about... Looking at their works is enough to get to know them, to recognize, to understand them...I have met such an amazing person by chance through my velnerable lecturer, owner of the
blog, Nail Ozlusoylu.
advertising director, photographer...
I strongly believe that it is not my authority to introduce him; so that, i let you leave you guys alone for connecting with his photography of his latest exhibition Editions II during the TOPHANE ARTWALK event in EL'PS'S GALLERY last month in Istanbul, Turkiye.
Ps. Thank you both for being such an amazing mentor to me Charles & Nail. It is my pleasure to know you! =)
Patti Smith by Charles Richards |
Nejat Isler for Rolling Stones Turkiye by Charles Richards |
Juliette Lewis by Charles Richards |
Brandon Boyd (Incubus) by Charles Richards |
Denis Lavant by Charles Richards |
Müslüm Gürses by Charles Richards |
Mazhar Alanson (MFÖ) for Vogue Turkiye by Charles Richards |
Cansu Dere & Serdar Akar for Vogue Turkiye by Charles Richards |
Timuçin Esen for Vogue Turkiye by Charles Richards |
Bazilari vardir ki hakkinda bir seyler soylemenize gerek kalmaz, yaptiklari islere bakmaniz yeterlidir onlari bilmek icin, tanimak icin, anlamak icin... ben kendisiyle yakin bir zaman dilimi icerisinde tesaduf eseri saygideger hocam;
blogunun sahibi Nail hocam araciligiyla tanistim.
reklam yönetmeni, fotografçi...
Kendisini anlatmak haddim degildir diyerekten susuyorum ve gectigimiz ay TOPHANE ARTWALK kapsaminda EL'PS'S GALLERY'de acilmis olan son sergisi Editions II kapsaminda yer alan fotograflariyla konusmaniz icin seyrinize birakiyorum.
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